Hello to all Teachers, Music Club Leaders, Principals, and Program Administrators:
During these chaotic times, we hope that you, your families, students, and co-workers are well. We honor your service and commitment to your profession and pray that all of you are healthy and can remain so. With each new day, the ground shifts a bit. Your highly valuable skills and experience, as well as your flexibility and ability to draw upon resources in your command will help your students (and the rest of us) get through to a new "normal".
We do have some news to share with you....
In April, we communicated with you about "hunkering down" and letting you know that using your ukes in any formal program, if at all, would come in good time. If you have ukes and can use them, please continue using them. If your ukes are locked up at school, no worries - please continue to use them when possible.
*** If you currently have ukulele instruments from Ukes for Schools, we would like you to have them for keeps. No attachments, no cost to you or your school. It just makes more sense for us to give teachers complete control over the instruments. We are donating these instruments to you knowing that you will do the right thing with them. ***
Effective September 1, 2020, Ukes for Schools will change its business model from a "loaning" format to a "donation" paradigm. Our simple reason for this is to reduce the time spent on tracking instruments year after year. This allows us to create new, supporting tools - lessons for teachers, music to share, and social media fun.
That said, if you have ukuleles that you DO NOT intend to use any longer and you do not have any foreseeable plan or use for them... if those ukes are just gumming up your life, please let us know and we can arrange to meet you at the Strum Shop in Roseville when you return the instruments.
Our business model will change in order to streamline our process and organization efficiency. Going forward, all new applicants will be applying for a "Ukulele Donation". We are able to donate up to 25 instruments to teachers and administrators who qualify. We would like to promote successes and contributions through our website (www.ukesforschools.org), Facebook (www.facebook.com/Ukesforschools) and Instagram.
Ukes for Schools, Inc. remains committed to making the world a better place by providing instruments to students and sharing the love of music and the ukulele with young people.